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Researchers Office Pedestal Deposit




A £10.00 deposit is required to secure a pedestal within the EPS area


Detailed Description

Please confirm your agreement to the following terms and Conditions by adding the item to your basket:

  •  If the pedestal key is lost/stolen, the Academic and Research Support Team will replace it at a charge of £10. In such circumstances, you will lose the deposit
  • The £10 deposit will be returned once you vacate the office and return the pedestal key. If you do not return the key, you will lose the deposit.
  • The office is a secure area accessible only via proximity card. If you are the last to leave the office, you must ensure the door is fully closed.
  • When leaving the office you must ensure that all windows are closed.
  • The office  space has been allocated to you and must be used only by you.
  • If you are away from the University for 3 or more months please notify the  Academic and Research Support Team. You will be required to return the key (the deposit will be returned to you) and the space will be allocated to another user.
  • When using the communal kitchen/break out area, the area must be left clean and tidy
  • Users of the fridge must ensure the fridge is clean and tidy. Any out of date food items must be disposed of appropriately
  • If you no longer require the space, you must vacate the area leaving it clean and tidy
  • Once the key is returned to the office the EAS Department shall check that the area has been left in an acceptable manner. Once the check has been conducted we shall provide you with details of how to request a refund for the deposit paid. .  If the area is not left in an acceptable manner, you will lose your deposit.

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