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SEA2024 Exhibitors Stand

Attendee Categories

Event Information

Dates of Event
19th June 2024 – 21st June 2024
Last Booking Date for this Event
4th June 2024


The Exhibitor's stand will cost £200 for the duration of the conference. It includes 2 exhibitors, lunch & refreshments, a 6 foot table with 2 chairs, space for a pop-up banner and an electricity socket.

Upon purchasing the stand, you can additionally purchase full access to the in-person conference and/or conference dinner. If you would like to attend the conference, there is a 25% discount on early bird fees up until the 13th May 2024, then it will be the full fee less 25% after the 13th May 2024.

Should you choose NOT to attend the conference, but wish to buy conference dinner, it will be at a cost of £48 per person.

If you would like to learn more about SEA24, then please visit our Sway page: https://sway.office.com/YnQCy2zQi0vlKtRv

Attendee CategoryCost   
Exhibitor Stand£200.00

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